By kind permission of The Duke and Duchess of Beaufort.
This Year Supporting
The Great Western Air Ambulance
This year the National Foundation for Retired Service Animals was presented with a cheque for £3,000 from the proceeds of the Badminton Ride
ENTER HERECountess Bathurst from the NFRSA said . “We are all very grateful to the committee of the Badminton Ride, as well as Their Graces The Duke and Duchess of Beaufort, for inviting the NFRSA to become one of the recipients of the funds raised, which will go towards supporting retired service animals from the police; fire; prison; border force, NCA, and NHS, with veterinary and medical bills. The £3,000 could cover ongoing medications for members of the NFRSA family or help to pay for operations such as stomach torsions (the equivalent to colic in horses) and this wonderful amount enables us to 'Protect our Protectors'. We'd also like to thank all those who took part, including two retired police horses from South Wales Police, both of whom are registered with our charity - and may one day need our assistance, so it was wonderful to see them having such a wonderful day, despite the rain! “
Left to right Jo Aldridge for the Ride, Duke and Duchess of Beaufort , Countess Bathurst from the NFRSA, Nick Grant-Thorold and Robert Wharton from the Ride.
Photographer Adrian
The Standard Rate (at £25 for riders aged 15 and over, and £20 for riders aged 14 and under) is available from midnight Monday 1st May to midnight on Monday 31st July.
The Late Rate (at £35 for riders age 15 and over, and £25 for riders age 14 and under) will then be available to midnight on Wednesday 20th September.
At this point all entries to the Ride will close and there will be no subsequent entries on the day.
Be aware that entries may close earlier than 20th September if Ride capacity has already been reached.
Please Note:- All riders must report to the Entries Tent Prior to Mounting.
Horses are not permitted at the Entries Tent
No photography allowed on the course. Official photos available from TTL details will be provided after the event.
See the T&Cs tab for the full list of Rules, Terms & Conditions for the Ride.
The Standard Rate (at £25 for riders aged 15 and over, and £20 for riders aged 14 and under) is available from midnight Monday 1st May to midnight on Monday 31st July.
The Late Rate (at £35 for riders age 15 and over, and £25 for riders age 14 and under) will then be available to midnight on Wednesday 20th September.
At this point all entries to the Ride will close and there will be no subsequent entries on the day.
Be aware that entries may close earlier than 20th September if Ride capacity has already been reached.
Please Note:- All riders must report to the Entries Tent Prior to Mounting.
Horses are not permitted at the Entries Tent
No photography allowed on the course. Official photos available from TTL details will be provided after the event.
See the T&Cs tab for the full list of Rules, Terms & Conditions for the Ride.
All horse boxes must approach Badminton from the North via A46, turn at Dunkirk Crossroads and through Little Badminton to The Slaites. If you come through Badminton village you will hit a low bridge and have to turn around.
Ride parking GL9 1AA.
Click on Blue Marker for what3words (shelf.extent.alike) and to connect to Google Maps for Directions (arrow symbol top right, when marker is clicked).
Entries Secretary