A midst the torrential rain, with only the occasional interlude of a brief dry spell, the Duke of Beaufort’s 2019 Young Entry showed enormous character and showed beautifully for judges Nigel Peel and Martin Scott. An extremely promising entry for next season;the judges commented that this year the young Bitches were extremely well put together and we should all look forward to trying to keep up with them!
1. Bradman – walked by Mrs P G G Dear
2. Brassey – walked by Mrs D R Akerman
3. Rambler – walked by Miss J Olive
4. Raider – Mrs T Glass
1. Mantle – walked by Mrs A Tuck
2. Destiny – walked by Mrs B Pickford
3. Raffles – walked by Mr & Mrs M Pike
4. Bridle – Mrs G E Gardner
5. Deluge – walked by Mrs B Pickford
As always, a huge Thank you to all the puppy walkers. All the young hounds showed extremely well on Saturday - this is not only a testament to the exceptional work done by Nick Hopkins and his team in the kennels, but also to the tremendous initial education given to the puppies when they are out at walk.
Jo Aldridge has done an extraordinary job running the Beaufort Hunt PR for the past 25 years. Jo established a very proactive approach to Hunting PR and was extremely good at not only dealing with the ongoing reactive media attention, but also to positively promote the Beaufort Hunt and Hunting itself. She has stepped down from the position this year and very fittingly at this year’s puppy show, Jo was presented with a painting of her lovely terrier “Sprightly”done by Lucy Milne.
After a super tea, organised by Molly Ramsden and her team, some of the stalwarts returned to the kennels to look at some of the older Beaufort hounds and a selection of the Doghounds. This is an important part of the Puppy Show,as Beaufort Stallion Hounds are frequently used by other foxhound breeders around the country, aiming to bring in some of the lines and quality found in the Duke of Beaufort’s kennels.